Monday 14 May 2012

In the top image i done a nonstop line over the double page. The second image i stood out in the mud and stood on the two pages to show my front prints. The next image i done a collage of a ripped up magazine. The next image was 4 drawings of cartoon characters from when i was younger. The next one was my name written over and over again in all different fonts. I then drew a envelope, The next image is a tattoo i designed for myself. The image after is my hands drawn on over each other, the next image was inspired by an artist called Kadinsky. The image after was just a block pattern and my final image was two pages stuck together with a photo of me an my friends stuck down with the page in front used as a frame by rubbing a tea bag over it to give it the colour and then cutting a hole in the middle.

The top image was to make a shirt using materials so i used buttons and paper towels to create the effect of a stripped shirt, the second image was drawing what was in are bags, the third was to make a flower so i ripped up card/paper to give the different colours and the last image was to draw an object in front of us using ink.
This image was 4 quick images with only 1minute to do the sketch, we had a video playing of someone dancing in the first one, a fan was blowing paper in the second (top right), third one was more fans blowing ribbons (bottom left) and the last image was a toy insect running around a box,
On this drawing i was recreating a eye that we had to do using the grid technique.

These are two images i done on a gravity project as i looked at artists such as Banksy.

The top image is my final outcome of all my identity work put in to one big piece, and the two images below are close ups on my best parts of the piece.

Another project i done, was a identity one and these are just 3 images i have chosen to sample of what i done in research.